What do you wish? What did you buy today? What do you need?
The system of the market, created by the capitalist mind, has been so well developed that we do not control more our necessities. We can’t be so smart towards the power of the images they create. Towards ours depressions, ours insecurities, ours deprivations. They are gaps used by this system to convince the human body the needs of all the props they create nowadays.
Capitalism needs to make run its papers to charge the system. It invents industries, shopping malls, the street sellers and at the last, looks to us, the human beings. The irony of it is that we are also the creators of this chain that must of the times drag ours beings into a blind repetition, believing in the status of “to have”. Through our wishes the market directs how we realize and see the world. It is an illusion created by the development of image as symbol of status and power.
Wishes are the fuel of the body and of the spirit; we can’t avoid it at all. By the wish we drive our life and with out it we cant be alive, we do not want to wake up. We need to wish to survive! It is through it that we experience life, developing sexuality, constructing families, having children, buying homes and the comfort around it, beauty, technology, smells, food and love.
Since the beginning of our existence we develop the power of image. From the drawings in the prehistoric caves to the billboards, we believe in the images as a reflection of life. But we can’t forget that the images in magazines and in the billboards are creations of a fake image of the need. If we believe on this as reality, we can loose the truth of our being as the main force to develop the spirit in life. Even if sometimes we need to be loosed to enjoy the pleasures of this creation.
Marco Paulo Rolla
Jakarta Ruangrupa 2006